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Getting tested for COVID-19 early could save your life. People who have COVID-19 may not be very sick in the first few days of their infection but could go on to develop severe illness. You can spread COVID-19 to other people before you have symptoms, and even if you only have mild symptoms.
It is important to get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible when you have any symptoms or feel sick in any way because you may already be contagious. You can use a rapid antigen test or a PCR test. If you test positive using a rapid antigen test you must start isolating immediately and register your positive result online.
If you can’t access a rapid antigen test or a PCR test you must start isolating immediately. You can go to a testing site during your isolation period. For more details about accessing COVID-19 tests, click here.
If you do test positive for COVID-19, the COVID-19 Positive Pathways program provides health monitoring and support from your GP and local health service. For more information about this program and other support available to you, visit the Department of Health. If you have certain medical conditions that affect your immune system, you may be eligible to receive treatment with a medication that can prevent severe complications of COVID-19.
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