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Travelling overseas this holiday period?

Overseas travel – whether visiting family and friends or going on a holiday – can be an exciting and stressful time. Plan your trip to stay safe and avoid getting sick.

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Do you wheeze or sneeze during pollen season?

Grass pollen season runs from October through to December and can bring a chance of thunderstorm asthma. Protect yourself this pollen season through prevention.

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Visiting the swimming pools this summer?

Don’t let the germs ruin your swim. Follow the 5 healthy swimming tips to stay safe and keep the pools clean.

5 healthy swimming tips

News & Alerts

Health conditions in focus

Information for health professionals and partners

News and alerts regarding public health updates for health professionals and partners in central and western Melbourne.

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WPHU uses local insights, community-based relationships and direct engagement to tailor and deliver high-quality, evidence-based public health initiatives and respond to incidents and issues within central and western Melbourne

Population Health

WPHU’s population health role involves promoting health and wellbeing and preventing disease in local communities, contributing to the Victorian Government’s vision that Victorians are the healthiest people in the world.

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Health Protection

WPHU’s health protection role involves protecting individuals, groups and populations against emerging health threats related to infectious diseases and the environment.

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A-Z Health Topics

An A to Z listing of all public health topics relevant to the work of the WPHU. Find the health information you need, from Buruli ulcer to Influenza.

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