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COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in residential aged care facilities

Dr Wendy Bamberg, medical lead at the Western Public Health Unit recently met with the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network to discuss the importance of vaccination for residents and staff of aged care facilities.

COVID-19 vaccination remains everyone’s best defence against severe illness, hospitalisation, and death related to COVID-19. This is particularly important for people in high risk settings, such as aged care facilities.

It is important to get your third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination as soon as three months has passed since your second dose. If you have recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, you can receive your third dose vaccination as soon as you are feeling well and out of isolation.

The Australian Department of Health has published a resource pack for residential aged care providers, workers, residents, carers and families relating to the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, click here.